Submission Guidelines

Boomalally Magazine

Boomalally Magazine is a fun, fabulous, digital, lifestyle publication celebrating life after 50!

We're looking for

  • Inspiring, informative, and entertaining content
  • Fresh, authentic, engaging, upbeat voices that challenge readers to fully embrace the second half of life
  • Experienced or emerging writers, artists, and photographers of all ages

SUBMISSIONS:                   Accepted year-round (rolling submissions)

DECISIONS:                        Responds in 10 days to queries; 4-6 weeks to mss

PUBLICATION:                    Publishes bi-monthly; inaugural issue 1 July 2018

AUDIENCE:   The 50+ crowd, particularly active, curious, passionate knowledge seekers who want to make a difference in the world

NONFICTION:  Seeking feature stories, interviews, essays, personal experience stories, profiles of inspiring people, photo essays, and visual arts galleries. Especially interested in human interest stories; unique, actionable ideas; and creative work of (or about) photographers and artists that will inspire, engage, and entertain our target audience

SUBJECTS: Living life to the fullest, whether

  • Working – staying or leaving present job, starting a new business, creating a side hustle, balancing work/life, risk-taking
  • Playing – travel, hobbies, sports, adventures
  • Giving Back - volunteerism, advocacy, activism
  • Creating - photography, art, music, theatre, architecture, design, writing, studio crafts, etc
  • Learning - personal growth/development, unique learning opportunities     

ACCEPTS:   Original, previously unpublished work. Maximum of two submissions per quarter. Simultaneous submissions. (Please inform us immediately if work is accepted for publication in another magazine or journal.)

Does not accept political, religious, or adult-themed content

LENGTH:  500-1750 words for articles; up to 10 images w/ accompanying title and text for photo essays or visual arts galleries (photos optional)

FORMAT:  Double-spaced, 12-point font

PAYMENT:  Byline w/ thumbnail photo, brief bio, link to author web page.  Work selected for publication automatically will be considered for our three (3) annual Editor's Prizes, one each for Best Writing, Best Photo Essay, and Best Visual Art Gallery. Each awardee will receive $200 in cash and a feature article in Boomalally Magazine profiling his/her life and work.

STATEMENT OF PUBLICATION RIGHTS:  Contributors will own and retain all rights, title, and interest in their work.  Boomalally LLC will be granted two limited licenses:   (1) Exclusive license for a period of forty-five (45) days from publication date, including First Electronic Rights for First Internet Use on Boomalally Magazine's website and perpetual, worldwide, no-charge, royalty-free, copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform and distribute your Contribution and derivative works; and (2) Non-Exclusive Reuse License, which assigns to Boomalally LLC a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute your Contribution and derivative works by any means.

Boomalally's editorial staff reserves the right to make suggestions on submissions for copy-editing purposes, and to deny publication of work that ultimately does not meet editorial standards.

By submitting an article for publication, writers give Boomalally LLC legal permission to reproduce, re-post, and publicly display their work (with proper attribution!) for promotional purposes via print and social media, including (but not limited to) its Medium, LinkedIn, and Twitter pages.

SUBMISSION INFORMATION:  Email queries and manuscripts to Deb Gaut via

Type or paste your submission into the body of a single e-mail message.

With photos, we prefer superb color and B&W images.  Cut and paste copy of image(s) directly into email message.  If photos are accepted, we require (1) high- resolution images in .PNG or .JPEG format, (2) identification of subjects, and (3) model releases.

Note: We will not open unsolicited attachments.  If your photo essay or visual arts gallery is selected for publication, we will contact you directly and request photo files.

Please include your full name, address, phone number, email address, and a short biography in body of same message.

QUESTIONS:  Contact Deb Gaut, Editor, at

Web address of magazine:

Mailing Address:  Boomalally LLC, P.O. Box 601, House Springs, MO  63114