Managing the New Midlife

In 2015, The Kauffman Foundation reported that 26% of new entrepreneurs were ages 55 to 64.  Forbes predicts by 2020, 50% of businesses will be freelance and, with 10,000 Americans turning 50 every day and another 10,000 turning 65, the number of second acts will continue to rise.  Exciting, right?  Are you one of the…

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Laugh Sign

Marlene Chertok was recovering from chemotherapy when she began looking for ways to positively impact her health. Even though she engaged in yoga and qi gong every day, she needed something more, but wasn’t sure what that might be. Through her research, Marlene discovered a fascinating documentary called “The Laughter Clubs of India,” inspired by…

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Photo Credit: Skitterphoto

My work history isn’t that great.  Certainly not the ladder-climbing, glass-ceiling shattering, rags-to-riches story you hear from big names like Oprah and Tony Robbins.  I love those stories and strive to do great things, but I’ve encountered too many obstacles, most of my own making.  That’s not to say my obstacles have been any greater…

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Courtesy of St. Louis Public Library

When was the last time you visited your local public library?  Or checked out the bazillion digital resources that are available to you as a cardholder, 24/7, from anywhere in the world, simply by logging in from your personal computer?  If you believe that nothing exciting happens at your local public library, then get ready…

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